A Wanderer's Bucket List
What’s the best tip to travel better? Keep traveling!
However, not everyone can travel without a list of things in hand. With every trip planned; you will gain more experience and learn about the new place. So, if we’re actually looking at defining what a ‘bucket-list’ is, this is what it means….

In simple terms, a bucket list is nothing but a list of things you ‘want’ to do before you die… but then, it also means the list of things you ‘don’t want to’do before you die. Now, that can be tough, isn’t it? So for example, you write down the things you’re always wanting to do, such as bungee jumping, rafting, mountain biking/climbing and so on, but can you write down the things if it concerns social norms or traditions or simply what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Well, it can be a lot more than what you’d think. I can tell you the who’s, how’s and the what’s of a bucket list to make your life easier. Let’s take this step-by-step, one at a time!

Why do we need a bucket-list?
The actual key here is to simply write from your mind; the first thought that comes to your mind with no consideration of whether it can be done or not. Just go for it! A famous impression by E.B White once read, ‘Life is like writing with a pen – you can cross out your past but you can’t erase it.’ So, if you don’t write down the moments you wish to spend time with, how would you strike it a past or rather a memorable memory? Thus, by simply writing, it will give you the confidence or encourage to turn your dreams into realities and being honest with yourself is the most important thing.
Before you start, I can you provide with some encouraging quotes/phrases that may motivate you to create a bucket-list. (To be honest, these still motivate us). Try it out!
Don’t listen to what people say. Go See
Explore. Experience. Create Memories
Sometimes you must get lost to find yourself
Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen.
Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before
You know all the things you’ve always wanted to do? Then Go!
Every exit is an entry somewhere else
These quotes are enough for you to begin your journey now. However, another thing what can keep you motivated is, reading. Read what you love about traveling; about the places you’d love to visit or see one day. Start planning backwards, and who knows where your next destination will be. Discussing destinations, upcoming plans with your family/friends circle can help too. Make a choice and accelerate, the path is all yours!

How will a bucket-list help a person?
Now a bucket-list does not mean a ‘random’ list of things, it has to be what you want ‘to experience’ in life. While you’re thinking of a what to do, where to go, and how to… here are 3 ways how making a bucket-list can help you.
Direction in planning
While some enjoy planned trips, a few may love the impromptu ones. However, to make any trip successful, you need to have a direction in your thought. So, even if you do not wish to write down your goals on a piece of paper, write it on your mobile phone quickly, so the thought is not missed. Charting your moves, can not only accomplish your desires, but also give you a clear path to follow the experiences you’ve always wanted to have in life. A bucket-list will give you the correct direction, help you avoid the distractions and allow you to keep moving ahead.
Starting small for better focus
A list of things you’d like to accomplish doesn’t have to include the best and big things of your life. You can start small to stay focused. And when you’re focused, it’s easy to follow the plan and make an effort to fulfil that. For example, you can start writing your ‘to-do-list’ for each day, week or even month, what we call is a ‘weekly focus’ or ‘monthly focus’. You can pick three-four experiences you want to achieve in this month and work hard to make it happen.
Everything has a reason
Now, everything you’ve thought about and write down must have a reason and a purpose, to why you want to do this. For example, one wants to do Bunjee Jumping for two reasons: a. overcome the fear of heights. b. Feel the adrenaline rush or feel like a bird. Hence, having a purpose of listing things down will help you determine if you really want to do it or not.
So, do not waste your time in wanting to experience life. Create the moments as per you and experience it to the fullest. While, you’re giving it a thought now, we share some unique ideas of bucket-lists. So, no more procrastinating! It’s important to category your things – here’s how you can start!
Ideas for an adventure soul
If you’re someone who enjoys adventure and love to try something new every place you go, maybe you consider some ideas like this:
Handle a snake or wrap it around your neck
Walk on hot coals
Dive with the dolphins
Learn mogul skiing
Explore a cave on your own
Ride on a Yak
Stay in a treehouse
Go someplace with zero gravity
Ideas for nature lovers
If you love to admire nature and want to be around majestic beauty, amidst lush green fields, is all you want, the importance of trying these could satisfy your desires.
Stand under a waterfall
Hike to the toughest/highest mountain
Milk a cow/Experience living in a local village setting
Feed a crocodile
Climb a volcano
Attend an international festival
Go on a safari
Ideas for creativity
Learning a new art can never be a waste, it’s important to keep your mind active and creative.
Learn a new language: Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, French
Make a handmade gift
Write a poem/song
Learn a difficult/interesting subject: Astronomy, archaeology, calligraphy, software program
Read a banned book
Learn a musical instrument
Ideas for entertainment
Ever wondered how’s it like to experience something different with yourself? Surely, you’d want to perhaps be in that commercial. Be a radio singer and so on. Maybe, the below items will interest you.
Attend a rock festival aboard
Watch your favorite sport match live
Try acting in a play
Try attending a book reading session
While these ideas can give you a start – think through the deepest thing you want to do and write it down. It may differ as per your interest and stages of life. And once you’ve listed them down, follow the steps to understand how you can accomplish a bucket-list.

Accomplishing what you want to do is not rocket science. All you need to do is, prioritize the items listed on your list and schedule it.
Step 1: Discover bucket-lists
Well at first, (if you’re making a bucket-list to travel), you’d need the inspiration. You can actually consider reading up general travel websites to find insights on a place/thing you wish to accomplish. Since you’ll have special interests, a detailed research which provides resources, information would be helpful in planning your trip.
Step 2: Connect with like-minded people
Whether you’re a first-timer or if you have thought about drafting a bucket-list already, you could ask your family or friends about their lists too. Like I mentioned above, discussing thoughts can actually help encourage and discover similar aspirations and maybe, you could work together on striking those items off your bucket-list.
Step 3: Accomplishing and marking it off
After you’ve picked up and listed the things you want to do, accomplishing it will need both, time and money. In simple terms, a well-sorted plan, along with substantial amount of savings can be very useful. After all, it’s an aspirant circle: You plan something new, create a bucket-list, work towards it, save for it and simply accomplish it.

Make Life Simple. Live Simply Aditya Samadhiya!
Happy Travelling! Keep Travelling.
I showcase my travel experiences through words, pictures and videos on my travel blog. I specifically write about the points of interest, local cuisines, fascinating activities and cultural nuances of the places I visit.
For more pictures, follow my daily micro blogs on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/asvin_samadhiya/.
You can also find inspiration from my Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/AadityaSamadhiya
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Let me know if you too have a bucket list. Have you been to accomplies it ? Has your experience been any different? I’m all ears! ????
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